Frequently asked questions

Why should I appeal my property tax?

Every year, county assessors charge you property tax based on assessments done en masse. Because every property is different, they often get it wrong. Your property is unique and deserves a closer look.

Should I appeal every year?

Yes! Most counties allow you to appeal every year, and it is possible your property tax may be over-assessed year after year.

What happens if the county rejects my appeal?

Unfortunately, not all appeals are accepted. Typically, 20-40% of all appeals win. In the case the county rejects the appeal, we do not charge anything and you are welcome to re-appeal next year.

Which cities or counties do MyPropTax support?

We currently support the San Francisco area. We will be expanding to other counties soon.

What types of properties do MyPropTax support?

We currently support all residential home properties (e.g., single family homes, condos, townhouses, etc).

When can I submit an appeal?

Each county has an open appeal period during the year. Get started today to find out when your location qualifies.